
Welcome to the new school year!
I’m looking forward to a great school year!
Here is some helpful information for our class:

Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Students should arrive in time to line up downstairs in the Parish Hall by 8:20 when the first bell rings (8:15 on Wednesday).  There should be a sign letting you know where 1B lines up.

In first grade we encourage students to be independent. Please say goodbye to your child before they line up in the parish hall and encourage them to walk with their peers to the classroom.  Any student arriving after 8:30 will need to go to the office and get a tardy slip before coming to class.

At the end of our school day students will be escorted to the lower lot near the door, covered area and brick wall for pick up.  Please let me know if your child will be attending our after-school extension program so I can guide them to the appropriate place.

We have snack from 9:45-10:00am.
Please pack your child’s dry snack in a backpack pocket.  One healthy item that is easy to eat would be great.  Crackers, cheese, grapes, etc. are all good ideas.  Our classroom is a NUT FREE ZONE this year so please send a simple healthy snacks with no nuts.  Recess is after snack from 10:20-10:40am.

Lunch is 11:40-12:05pm and Recess is 12:05-12:30pm.
Lunch will be consumed in the classroom. Please be sure to have lunch containers clearly labeled with your child’s name. If for some reason you are dropping off lunch during the school day, please bring it to the office and it will be delivered to your child.

Check Backpacks and Folders
Everyday students will bring home a folder.  Inside will be their behavior calendar, class work, notes, (starting in October homework) and other fun things! Please make sure to check their bag and folder daily, thank you!  The folder and behavior calendar (and homework) should come back to school each day.